Reasons for religion — a quest for inner peace | Daiko Matsuyama
Buddhist Priest
In a world increasingly fragmented across the kaleidoscope of beliefs and religions, it is easy to feel that we may never see peace in our time. However, are we really as divided as we think? Daiko Matsuyama, Deputy Head Priest of Taizoin Zen Buddhist Temple in Kyoto, Japan holds inter-faith dialogue as one powerful strategy that can bring our disparate world together. As a first step, Matsuyama encourages us to respect other religions as equal in value to our own religions and beliefs. Far from the stereotypical image of the secluded, meditating monk, Matsuyama seeks to spread the teachings of Buddhism throughout the world. After hosting a G8 Summit Sherpa Meeting in 2008, Matsuyama was appointed as a Visit Japan Goodwill Ambassador as well as a Kyoto Travel Omotenashi Ambassador. He also visited the Vatican as a representative of Buddhist priests, and participated in Ekiden In Luxembourg. This year he helped organize the interfaith leaders’ Ekiden in Kyoto and attended The World Economic Forum as a young Japanese leader. Both in Japan and internationally Matsuyama seeks to teach the importance of communication in building a peaceful future.