Unpacking Your Intangibles | Baye McNEIL | TEDxKyoto

Unpacking Your Intangibles | Baye McNEIL | TEDxKyoto

When you arrive in a new country and culture that you intend to remain in for a length time, the first thing you need to do is unpack your things. Unpacking tangibles is pretty straight forward but unpacking those intangibles can become the task that makes the difference between successful assimilation or forever residing on the outskirts of your new home. This was how I unpacked my intangibles.

Baye is an author, columnist and activist from Brooklyn NY and came to Japan in 2004. He is the author of two critically-acclaimed books on life in Japan: “Hi! My Name is Loco and I am a Racist” and “Loco in Yokohama”. His monthly column, “Black Eye”, featured in The Japan Times, raises awareness of issues related to “blackness” in Japan. In 2015, Baye spearheaded a successful campaign against the airing of a blackface minstrel show on Japanese TV. His activism in Japan has garnered global attention, featured on the BBC, in The New York Times, Huffington Post, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, etc. He also conducts workshops and seminars at companies and universities across the country on human rights and race issues, in his continuing effort to help Japan achieve its desired and inevitable goal of greater inclusiveness and diversity.
