Impact investing – innovative finance for development | Satoru Yamamoto at TEDxKyotoChange
Satoru Yamamoto is currently the Director / Head of Planning Section of the Product Planning Department at Daiwa Securities. After entering Daiwa Securities in 1998, from 2001 he became engaged in debt finance and new product development in the Product Planning Department, leading impact investment in Japan. In November 2009, with the cooperation of the International Finance Corporation, Mr. Yamamoto started a microfinance bond and developed a microfinance investment trust fund (Daiwa Microfinance Fund, est. March 2011), both firsts in Japan which tied with his subsequent promotion. He is also in involved with other initiatives such as International Finance Facility for Immunisation (IFFlm), World Bank “Cool” Bond, World Bank Green Bond, ADB Water Bonds, European Investment Bank Ecology Bond, Inter-American Development Bank Child Support Bonds, AfDB Education Bonds, and JICA Bonds among others. In March 2012, he was chosen as one of the “Young Global Leaders for 2012” by the World Economic Forum-hosted Davos Forum. Mr. Yamamoto holds a BA in Economics from Keio University and MBA from UC Berkeley.
“Impact Investing – Innovative finance for development”
Recently, “investment” and “social contribution,” two concepts not easily relatable at first glance, are joining forces through “impact investment,” a type of investment drawing attention around the world. Meet Mr. Yamamoto, the man who quickly took notice of and became involved in impact investment and has achieved business and societal success through microfinance and vaccine bonds. How does he foresee the future of investment as a “sustainable contribution to society” ? Witness Mr. Yamamoto’ s presentation break down stereotypes often associated with finance.